A message from Gary Steele, our CEO, on the COVID 19 pandemic
Like all of you, TES is closely monitoring the latest developments in relation to COVID-19. As a global IT lifecycle business with operations in 3 continents and 20+ countries, TES truly is on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our team first felt the impact in China, where lockdowns and other stringent measures were put in place to slow the pace of the virus. Now we see the rolling effects as it hits the rest of Asia, Europe, and the USA. It is impacting many of us personally and professionally in ways individually we didn’t expect even a couple of weeks ago. The COVID-19 virus has taken over daily news and our everyday life and as we learn more each day, we want you to know that we are taking immediate action. While this pandemic was not expected by most to be what it has now become, TES has learned from the previous crises that it is essential to be prepared. As such, we are taking the following steps in response to COVID-19:
Personal safety
The welfare of our customers and our team members is our top priority. We are closely monitoring and following all directives from public health officials, government agencies, and our internal EH&S experts. We have implemented travel restrictions; social distancing; temperature/health screening measures and safety policy of increased personal and premises cleaning procedures. These include policies that permit non-location essential employees remote teleworking, video-conferencing meetings, split shifts for location essential employees and allow location essential employees to commute at off-peak hours. We have also prepared our teams to respond quickly to any emerging situation should it occur to best ensure the health and safety of everyone involved.
TES is open for business, and we are here to support you
We are taking numerous steps to ensure we can continue to support you, our clients. The virus has not impacted our processing facilities except in specific countries where the government has mandated it, and we expect to continue scaled back operations at almost all locations. Our service delivery teams continue to function normally, albeit with some remote teleworking. We have robust business contingency plans in place and will continue to monitor this developing situation closely.
We are in this together
We are aware that there are shortages of new hardware which means many businesses are unable to acquire new portable assets to facilitate remote teleworking. If these shortages are impacting your business, TES is in a position to help; please reach out to your TES point of contact. Over the past few weeks, we are deploying used IT hardware to many of our customers that are struggling to procure new equipment. I think it is important to remind each other that the fundamentals of your business and our business are as sound today as they were two weeks ago. We must remember that this is a point in time we will get through together, as a global community, as we have collectively navigated other crises in the past. We will continue to keep you updated as we monitor the situation and work together to support you while prioritizing the health and safety of all. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly or any other TES team member.